Grid- Grade 9 and 10 English

 7. Assessment Process

A letter grading system will be used for assessing student performance. For this, both the formative and summative assessment tools will be used. 

7.1 Formative assessment

In order to ensure the learning of the students, informal assessment will be conducted regularly and timely feedback will be provided to help them improve. The goal of formative assessment is to help the learners to learn more rather than to check what they have learnt and what they have not. Formative assessment should focus on those areas which pose problems in learning. This can also take the form of remedial teaching. The following techniques/activities can be used as tools for formative assessment: 

  • Observation of students' linguistic behaviour

  • Anecdotal record 

  • Work sample/written samples

  • Interviews

  • Home assignments

  • Portfolio 

  • Tests (class, weekly, monthly)

  • Project works

  • Creative works

  • Class work  

  • Reflective practice

  • Games

  • Debates 

  • Story telling/retelling 

  • Dramatization/simulation  

  • Role play

  • Group discussion

  • Journal writing 

 7.2 Summative assessment 

Summative assessment is primarily designed to certify competence and rank the students. The overall students’ understanding of the standards (competencies and learning outcomes) of the curriculum will be assessed and graded through summative assessment. Both internal and external assessment procedures will be used under summative assessment. 

a. Internal assessment: For internal assessment, a student portfolio should be maintained/ kept by the teacher. The portfolio details the performance of the students. The internal evaluation covers different aspects as shown in the table below and carries 25% weightage.

S. N.

Assessment areas  



Participation (attendance and participation in classroom activities)


Listening test



Speaking test



  Score from  terminal exams


Total marks


The record of student participation should be kept in the students' portfolio. Testing of listening and speaking will be based on the test specification grid. Teachers need to prepare the listening and speaking tasks themselves. 

b. External assessment: The external assessment carries 75% weightage. The allocation of marks for each language skill and aspect is given below:

S. N.

Language skills and aspects 











Total marks


7.3 Alternative assessment  

For students with disabilities, alternative assessment tools will be used. They will be suggested in

 the test specification chart to be developed by the Curriculum Development Centre.

7.4 Test Specification Charts

a. Internal Assessment

S. N. 

Areas of evaluation  


Guidelines for evaluation 




This covers student attendance, participation in classroom

activities and their performance on classwork, homework and

project works assigned to them. For this, the teacher needs to

maintain the record and the same record is to be consulted to

award the marks for this area.

Listening test


Types of sound files: 

(The sound files may contain: lectures, talks, presentations,

 radio/TV broadcast, podcasts/vodcasts, commentaries,

 interviews, conversations, short discussions, personal accounts

 (oral anecdotes, past experiences) narratives (e.g. radio

 dramas), instructions and directions, factual accounts (e.g. 

news reports, eye witness accounts) explanations, public 

announcements, weather forecast)

There will be two listening tasks on two different sound files. 

Each task should consist of four questions.


  • The sound files should be authentic and clearly articulated at normal speed of delivery. Each sound file should be a maximum of 3 minutes long. 

  • The types of questions include: Multiple Choice Questions, Matching, Fill in the Blanks and Short Answer Questions.

  • For the hearing impaired students, any one of the following tasks can be given: Paragraph writing on a given topic, writing a letter or writing a description of something.

Time: 20 minutes.


Speaking Test


The speaking test will be administered practically. The test 

starts with a greeting and introduction to make the students feel 

comfortable. The speaking test consists of the following 


1. Introduction and interview (2 marks)

The students will be asked at least three questions on their

 personal affairs and immediate situation. (How are you

 preparing for the exam? What will you study after grade 10?

 What’s your aim in life? Do you like English? Why/Why not?)

2. Describing pictures (3 marks)

The students will be given a picture or a set of pictures. They are

 expected to describe the picture in at least 6 sentences.

3. Speaking on a given topic (3 marks)

The students will be given a topic like my school, my hobby, my 

family, etc. They will get one-minute to think over the topic 

before speaking on it. This will also be done individually.

Time: 10 to 15 minutes per student

Alternative test method for students with visual difficulties

For students with visual difficulties, ask them to narrate a

sequence of events instead of task 2 ‘describing pictures’ above.

Alternative test method for students with speech and hearing 


For students with speech and hearing difficulties, give a reading

comprehension task worth 8 marks. 


Score from terminal exams


3 marks from each terminal test.   

b. External Assessment

Reading and writing skills will be assessed through a written test. Grammar is included in

the writing section. The test will be based on the specification chart.

Reading (40 marks)

Writing (35 marks)

The assessment of reading skill follows the following structure:

  1. Reading 1: One short reading text from the textbook with one type of comprehension question (5 marks)

  2. Reading 2: One short reading text from the textbook with two types of comprehension questions (10 marks)

  3. Reading 3: One short reading text not given in the textbook with two types of comprehension questions (10 marks)

     Text Length: about 200 words

  1. Reading 4: One short reading text not given in the textbook with three types of comprehension questions (15 marks)

Text Length: about 300 words 


  • Text Type for reading 3 and 4: story, notice, advertisement, product guide, letters, news stories, brochure, manuals, diary entry, biography, autobiography, essay, newspaper article, science article, book/film review and other level appropriate texts. 

  • Total Number of Test Items = 40 

  • Question types: True/False, Fill in the Gaps, Multiple Choice, Matching, Ordering and Short Answer Questions

  • Except for short answer questions, the same types of questions should not be repeated in the two passages already seen. This applies to the two unseen passages as well.

  • Reading 4 should contain a test type for testing vocabulary/ the testing of vocabulary/.

  • The comprehension questions should cover Literal Comprehension (LC), Reorganization (R), Inference (I) and Evaluation (E). 

The assessment of writing skill follows the following structure:

  1. Guided writing I: paragraph, description of tables/charts/ diagrams, a set of instructions, recipe, menu, a set of rules and regulations, advertisement and notice. (5 marks)

Number of words: about 100 words

  1. Guided writing II: news story, skeleton story, message of condolence, message of congratulation, invitation letter, thanksgiving letter, biography. (5 marks)

Number of words: about 100 words

  1. Free writing I: paragraph (presenting view, opinion, experience, feeling), leave application, job application, dialogue (6 marks)

Number of words: about 150 words

  1. Free writing II: personal letter, short essay, diary, newspaper article, book review/film review, brochure/leaflet. (8 marks)

Number of words: about 200 words


  • Organization, coherence and cohesion, subject matter, appropriateness and correctness of language, range of vocabulary and layout will be assessed in the writing section.

  • The type of writing task should not be similar to any of the reading text given in the test paper.

Grammar: 11 marks

The grammar section should cover the following content:

1. Articles                                   

2. Prepositions

3. Tense                         

4. Connectives

5. Question tags                           

6. Reported speech

7. Voice                                    

8. Conditional sentences

9. Subject-verb agreement          

10. Interrogation and negation

11. Causatives                                        

Types of questions:

  1. Reproduction: This should cover tense, question tag, reported speech, voice, and interrogation and negation (5X1=5 marks)

  2. Multiple choice (in a contextual passage): This should contain articles, prepositions, connectives, conditional sentence, subject verb agreement, and causative verbs (6X1=6)

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